Guided Tour
Here is an example of a guided tour created as part of my Advance Human Performance Technology course.
The website project was a collaborative effort where students got together to create the templates and standards for how each role and genre was to be established. As a class we developed the content that is to be put online to help volunteer members of a non-profit board get acquainted with their new roles. The guided tour is meant to entice the volunteer to want to know more about the role and hopefully be better informed to make their decision to choosing their role.
The website project was a collaborative effort where students got together to create the templates and standards for how each role and genre was to be established. As a class we developed the content that is to be put online to help volunteer members of a non-profit board get acquainted with their new roles. The guided tour is meant to entice the volunteer to want to know more about the role and hopefully be better informed to make their decision to choosing their role.
What was my role in the project?
- I developed a guided tour and wrote blog articles for both the board member and the program coordinator.
- I worked with several teams to establish the must do, should do, and nice to do tasks.
Additional Resources